Igralca izbereta vsak svojo barvo, šesterokotnike izmenično postavljata enega poleg drugega, dokler eden od njiju nima pet svojih šesterokotnikov v vrsti
(glej sliko!).
Pri sestavljanju prizme pazimo, da se stikajo prisekani robovi sosednjih šesterokotnikov. Vežemo jih s spojnicami. Če želimo
prizmo ohraniti kot čvrsto telo, uporabimo lepilo za plastiko.
Each player chooses his own color. They take turns in placing the hexagons side by side until one of them succeeds in making
a row of five hexagons of the players's own color (see illustration!).
When connecting the hexagons together to make the "crystal", use the small linking elements, and make sure that the bevelled
edges of the hexagons lie next to one another. If you want to make the prism into a strong geometric body, you can use a glue for plastic.
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ali pa nas pokličete na tel.:
If you want more informations about our product, you can send us e-mail
or you can make a phone call:
++ 386 (061) 265 901
GSM: ++ 386 (041) 728 277